Blog Election 2024: Grounded Hope for What’s Coming It was either “too big to rig,” or the nefarious forces were scared off enough by mounting election fraud awareness that we apparently had a reasonable facsimile of a democratic election. And it was a victory of common sense over nonsense. This was a comeback story worthy of an ESPN
Blog The Plunder of Private Property Is the Lever for Global Tyranny Virtually all of the issues that we cover in the THRIVE films, blogs and shows come back to private property. This topic arose in my recent Fireside Live and because of its dire importance, I wanted to share some of it with a larger audience.
Blog “The House Will Be in (New World) Order” Here is my personal experience of January 6, 2021 together with a Hegelian dialectic to understand what really happened on that day.
Blog The Rise of the Predator Class Check out this subscriber-exclusive article composed by Foster, as he discusses the Predator class.