Sectors Arts All people will be free to creatively express their innermost passions and insights, in a way that fulfills themselves, inspires others, and does no harm.
Sectors Featured The 13 Sectors We have identified 13 Sectors that cover all areas of human activity, and they are all interconnected. By identifying key problems in each of these Sectors and coming up with solutions that will be good for all of them, we can begin to create a thriving world.
Blog Liberty Based Solutions for Thriving Foster's landmark overview of true freedom as the basis for thriving.
Blog SANDY HOOK — TRAGEDY, DRUGS, RIGHTS AND COMMON SENSE First I want to address the truly sad tragedy of the Sandy Hook massacre of children and teachers… Tears had barely begun to flow before the panderers started trying to use it to obscure critical thinking and take away more rights.
Blog THE THRIVE PULSE - INAUGURAL MESSAGE First I want to say that I am deeply gratified by the wonderful global response to THRIVE. I was both excited and anxious about releasing our labor of love into the world.
Solutions Liberty I imagine a world where each being is free to act according to his or her inner guidance, provided there is no violation of any other’s person or property.
Solutions Solutions Strategies The solution strategies presented here are based on years of consulting with historians, visionaries, and experts in all of the 12 Sectors. They offer promising possibilities for creating a world in which nobody’s rights are violated and every person has the opportunity to thrive.
Solutions Featured Introduction to Solutions We must change direction, but how? What are the guiding principles that would lead to freedom from war, hunger, and domination? How do we work toward a world where no one is violated or coerced in any way? These are the kind of questions you can explore in this solutions section.
The Problem Global Domination Agenda What is keeping us from thriving? After a lifetime journey of pursuing that question, my research revealed that a small group of financial elite have gained control over key areas of our lives and are the single greatest threat to humanity’s ability to thrive.
Blog The Torus, Politics, and You The next phase in evolution actually requires our conscious participation. It’s a heavy-duty moment in history, but, man, what a moment to be alive, to be able to participate in making that kind of difference!
Blog HOW TO PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR HEART IS I realize not everyone is a researcher, or considers themselves an activist, but everyone spends money and the fact is that every dollar is a vote for one kind of world or another. What kind of world are you buying?
Blog Taxpayers Strike It Rich Imagine if you came across a treasure trove of trillions of dollars of your money. That’s what these CAFRs seem to be.
The Problem Follow the Money Investigate any major sector of human activity and you will discover the same people are in control, benefitting financially, literally making out like bandits.
The Problem Featured Introduction to “The Problem” It’s a select group of financial elite who are centralizing material wealth and power for their own benefit, while destroying the lives of billions of others. Their worldview is riddled with fear and ignorant of the abundance of nature and the love and interconnectedness that is our essence.
The Code ET / UFO I have been shown a vast amount of compelling evidence suggesting that UFOs of extraterrestrial origin exist and have been contacting and communicating with humans for many years.
The Code New Energy Technology In an era of oil wars, gas price manipulation, fossil fuel pollution and economic collapse, it’s hard to imagine many more provocative terms than “Free Energy.”
The Code Ancient Cultures Did ancient cultures encode knowledge that could help us survive and thrive today?
The Code Fundamental Pattern Nature appears to rely on one core recurring pattern to evolve life at every scale—the torus. It is a donut shaped energy vortex that you can see everywhere from atoms to galaxies and beyond.
Movies THRIVE Fact Check Of the 68 radical claims in THRIVE, not a single one has been disproven—a dozen years later.
Movies Featured THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.
Sectors Worldview Our belief system determines what we think is possible, and what we think is possible influences the results we create or allow in life.