Blog Redefining School and Reclaiming Our Lives: How to Create Real Opportunities for Meaningful Education We’re promoting a radical shift in education. Ultimately we want to create a society where each individual is free to pursue the type of education that most appeals to his or her passion, need, and learning style to promote critical thinking and creative expression.
Blog Ready to Turn Over Evolution to Robots? Transhumanists are Planning on it “I’m going to need to expand…I need more power." Imagine a “point in time” when computers, in the form of robots, are deemed so much smarter than natural born humans that we are called to turn over the world to them.
Blog News Flash | CIA Invents the term Conspiracy Theory The campaign to ridicule research as conspiracies was initiated by the CIA in 1967 to undermine the credibility of those who questioned the official claims of the Warren Commission.
Blog Let’s Talk for Real About Humans and Climate Change Is there reliable evidence that the Earth is warming in a risky or anomalous way? Some say it is unprecedented and verging on catastrophe.
Blog How to Have Fun and Meaningful Conversations with Family over the Holidays Exploring critical topics of real relevance without losing the bond and intimacy that is also so vital to a fulfilling life.
Blog How Do They Track Thee? Let Me Count the Ways “You shouldn’t have anything to worry about if you don’t have anything to hide…” is often the justification we are given.
Blog Free at Last: My Slippery Slope into Voluntaryism Foster's presentation to Libertopia about his path to the core role of the Non-Aggression Principle as the sole coherent basis for a Universal Morality.
Blog Foster Gamble’s Response to Praxis Peace Institute What if these solution strategies were debated in living rooms and workplaces across the globe?
Blog Foster Gamble's Response to Thrive Critiques Our film has created some lively and deep conversations. While there have been many reviews, I wanted to address one particular article that was authored by Charles Eisenstein.
Blog Fly Behind Closed Doors: Revolution at The Bilderberg The truth will always have its day…and today is that day. We do not come to hurt you, as you have done to so many.
Blog Extraterrestrials: Imagine the Possibilities When ships blink out, are they just shifting to frequencies that we can’t see and hear? Is “travel” completely different in those realms?
Blog Don’t Ask | Why are Some Questions Taboo? Here are some of the questions I’m asking today — seemingly “unacceptable questions” that the mainstream seems unwilling to discuss.
Blog Election Reflections and an Open Letter to Donald Trump Like many of you, I have grave concern over the seething fear, anger, hatred, and violence in the U.S. right now.
Blog Did You Know a 3rd Tower Fell on 9/11? Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth launched a campaign to investigate the mysterious collapse of the third tower, Building 7
Blog Defining Politics: Knowing What We Are Talking About Could Save Our Lives If we are going to have fruitful conversations, where we actually learn from one another and move toward a more secure, prosperous and harmonious society, then I think, at a minimum, we need to KNOW WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT
Blog Decision Making and Conflict Resolution with the Sector Model The most important thing is to keep every voice important because everybody who is in the room cares.
Blog Debunking Debunkers Someone with very little real expertise can undermine valuable inquiry and healthy skepticism.
Blog Core Insight #4 | Who Are You, Really? What is this witness that has remained through all of the ups and downs of your experience?
Blog Core Insight #3 | Supporting Emotional Well Being Allowing the vibration of anger without force or inappropriate action allows it to disappear.
Blog Core Insight #2 | Re-Creation: How to Free Up Blocked Energy Using Focused Awareness When we re-create in our consciousness the way something truly is, the energy moves to the next level.
Blog Core Insight #1 | Exploring Your Purpose Knowing that the torus energy pattern surrounds all living things, it dawned on me that each of these categories are aspects of the toroidal energy cycle.
Blog Chemtrails | How They Affect You and What You Can Do A nasty mixture of parasites, pathogens, toxic heavy metals and nano-engineered particles have been found falling to earth from the trails of certain planes
Blog Can We Talk? How to Communicate as if Our Relations Depend on It Sustainable relationships — like sustainable ideas, communications, ecosystems or galaxies must be whole, by which I mean complete, true, and reflective of a fundamentally distinct and still unified dynamic.
Blog Who Owns Your Body? The notion of being for or against vaccines misses the point of what mandated vaccination is really about.
Blog Vaccines: Who is Right and Whose Right Is It? Unfortunately, there is actually no solid evidence that vaccines are effective, or that they are safe. In fact, evidence reveals that they often spread the very disease they are supposed to eliminate, as well as even cause others. I know this is not what we have been taught by doctors and the media.