Reality Check: 20 Question Pop Quiz

(Feel free to put your answers or other questions in the comments by number)

Reality Check: 20 Question Pop Quiz
Photo by Rachel / Unsplash
  1. Why are Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Russell Brand, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Glenn Greenwald, Elon Musk, Telegram’s Pavel Durov and many more all suddenly being attacked and censored by the mainstream media, social media and the U.S. government?
  2. Why is only one side of the political polarity trying to censor and cancel?
  3. Why do Pelosi, Harris, Walz, Feinstein, Swalwell and Newsom all happen to have ties to the Chinese Communist Party?
  4. Why are many politicians from the left and the right afraid to have Trump as president again, given the peace and prosperity of his first term?
  5. Why did so many Hollywood luminaries erase their social media accounts when P. Diddy was arrested?
  6. Why did both Joe Biden and Boris Johnson reject peace talks in Ukraine?
  7. Why did the feds start cutting interest rates at 5½% when inflation is by no means over and in the 1980s it took Paul Volcker a 17½% rate to actually curb inflation?
  8. Why did the Rothschild/Rockefeller central bankers meet secretly at Jekyll Island in 1913 to create the Federal Reserve Act and then sneak it by Congress on Christmas Eve when most had already gone home?
  9. Why did the mainstream media not extensively cover the leaked phone call where Victoria Nuland was overheard plotting the U.S. coup in Ukraine in 2014, or the bio-weapons labs she admitted the Americans had there?
  10. Why doesn’t the mainstream media mention the pharmaceutical drugs, SSRIs, antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc. that most young school shooters were on when they committed their crimes?
  11. Why are central banks allowed to loan out up to 10 times the money they actually have, but we can’t?
  12. Why does the mainstream media never mention that the Rothschild Zionists killed or expelled approximately 800,000 Palestinians in 1948 to create their state of Israel?
  13. Why do only those who got the COVID jab regret it, not those who didn’t?
  14. Why have so many prominent politicians switched parties — like Tulsi Gabbard, Bobby Kennedy, Elon Musk and Dick Cheney?
  15. Why is there so little real disclosure about UFOs, UAPs, and ETs?
  16. Why have the JFK files still not been released, 70 years later?
  17. Why have over 11,000 alternative energy patent applications been confiscated by the United States government and more than 30 inventors have been gagged, threatened or killed?
  18. Why did President Donald Trump do Project Warp Speed even after meeting with Bobby Kennedy, Andy Wakefield and Scot Atlas?
  19. Why has the Biden administration allowed in over 10 million illegal migrants while saying the “border is secure?”
  20. Why did Pelosi’s team open the doors and welcome in “protesters” as soon as election fraud evidence started to be presented in Congress on January 6, 2021?