List of Top Trusted News Sources
This list is a compilation of trusted news sources nominated by the community and reviewed by Foster.
I find that most fundamental disagreements on worldview — what we think is really going on in the world — is a function of differences in how we acquire and analyze our information.
I like to start a challenging conversation by inquiring, “Where do you get your news?” For those who do not know the difference between mainstream outlets like CNN, New York Times, Fox, ABC, BBC, Washington Post, etc. (who are beholden to the government, Big Banks, Big Oil, Big Pharma and the Military Industrial Complex—MIC) and independent sources whose main goal is finding and exposing truth, I find it hugely helpful to be able to direct them to this list. I also usually recommend 2 or 3 main ones that I trust and which collect articles they trust from other sources — like Free to Thrive, Lew Rockwell, Ed Griffin or Patrick Wood.
This list of Trusted Media Sources was first created during the Freedom Portal Network Dialogue Show “Where to Get Our News — Who Can We Trust?” recorded live on May 28th, 2022.
This list contains over 200 trusted news sources compiled by Foster, the ThriveOn team, and our Freedom Portal subscribers. None of them are always accurate, however the “Thrive Recommended” sources have demonstrated their commitment to truth rather than to political or corporate agendas.
If you are a member of this site, you can offer your favorite trusted news sources and we’ll continue to update this list on a regular basis.