Key Insights into the Global Unfolding
I was asked over the holidays if I could summarize key insights into the global domination agenda and the turning point toward resolution that we seem to be beginning across the world.
As we are poised to start a new year and a new U.S. administration, I thought it might be a useful time to share my summary with you — both to help you simplify it in your own mind and also to help facilitate communication with others who are less informed.
Enjoy… And I welcome your comments below.
The Global Unfolding — KEY INSIGHTS
Our rights as humans don’t come from the government or the church. The right not to be violated is intrinsic to our nature as an individual circuit channeling energy between the sun and the earth. This is the basis of Natural Law.
No one can give away rights that they don’t actually have. Therefore, we can’t authorize or hire people, call them “government” and have them to steal (tax), kidnap (draft) or murder (war or assassination) in our name.
The fundamental principle of Natural Law — the Non-Aggression Principle — names that no one has the right to initiate force or fraud against anyone else, except in true self-defense. Another way of saying this is simply, “Do what you said you would do and do not encroach on the person or property of others.”
Governments are conceptual abstractions (like a “dozen” or a “group”) which only exist by imposing involuntary taxation (theft), and therefore they are, by definition, in violation of the NAP and therefore illegitimate and unjust.
A true economy is the natural flow of voluntary exchange among willing parties. Any effort on the part of so-called “government” to interfere in this process by fixing wages, prices, or interest rates, is a violation of nature and the Non-Aggression Principle. History has shown that this always leads to strife, poverty, starvation and ultimately murder in the name of tyrannical control.
A covert cabal of international sociopaths has for centuries organized to fool the masses into surrendering their freedom to centralized authority and adopting the fake fiat money and fractional reserve lending of the European central bankers.
Convincing the public that they should be ruled by a few has established the “myth of authority” worldwide, which has led to the creation of fraudulent currencies… which has allowed for concentrated, elite control of media, education, governments and militaries.
The endgame of this centuries long scheme was to create a global centralized government, under the guise of the United Nations, to reduce the population, to surveil all who remain and to dominate them into compliance through fear, sickness, poverty, fake news, totally monitored fake digital money, social credit scores, fraudulent wars and pandemics.
Actual truth is simply reality — what’s really going on in the boundless unified field of existence. We live in a universe of free will, so individuals can lie, cheat, steal and deceive, but consequences occur and ultimately reality emerges because it’s simply what’s real… the truth.
As more and more humans worldwide are realizing the lies, deceptions and destructiveness of the global cabal, they are seeing through the fake news, fake money, fake wars and fake authority. This is what’s referred to as “taking the red pill.” And once one has, they can’t go back to not seeing what’s really going on.
Events like the Kennedy assassination, the Gulf of Tonkin/Vietnam false flag, 9/11, the fake man-made climate change hoax, and the covert plandemic have served to red pill billions when it hit them in their health, their relationships, their freedoms and their pocketbook.
No one who chose not to get the covert jab regrets it.
Only those who were promoting the institutional narrative were trying to censor others.
No one in history has ever complied their way to freedom.
Independent truth media has now vastly outstripped the following of traditional corporate channels.
The 2024 U.S. election was not a testimony to a wonderful personality, but evidence that millions of everyday individuals, as well as businesspeople, immigrants, healers and scientists are looking for something beyond the propaganda of politics. They’re looking for truth, for freedom and for what actually works in the daily lives of people trying to take care of their families, friends and loved ones.
The agenda for global domination was almost complete, having taken over almost every bank, economy, country and military to serve the so-called New World order — the plan for a one world tyrannical government.
But now a critical mass has awakened in countries like El Salvador, Argentina, Germany, Canada, Italy, the UK, the US and many others. This is not about right or left wing, or conservative or progressive, but about the principles of human rights, equality instead of equity, voluntary exchange, transparency, and individual sovereignty.
It’s about what works, and what protects the life, health, and creativity of every individual.
And now, because so many are awakened and because we have the technology to be in a globally connected conversation, the culprits are getting revealed. The agenda is getting exposed. More and more human beings are realizing that natural scientific and moral principles — not politics — are the way to a thriving civilization on a healthy planet.
Because those aligned with these principles have truth, the life force and love on their side, I believe that this historic, evolutionary awakening is now unstoppable.