Communist Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing of “Joy”

We’re still living in a world where the illusion of politics has very real and dangerous consequences in most people’s lives.

Communist Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing of “Joy”
The Fabian Window designed by George Bernard Shaw depicting the founders of the Fabian Society and including the original coat of arms of a wolf in sheep’s clothing

I am not a political person, as any of you know who have been following me over the last 20 years of the Thrive Movement. I have come to the firm conclusion that Principles, not Politics is the way out for humanity. In fact, politics is the source of almost every major problem that we are facing. The claiming of the “rights” to rule, to take people’s money as “taxation,” to kidnap (draft) and send other people’s children to imperial wars, to make up money out of nothing, to amass power with the fraudulent central bankers, to turn healthcare into depopulation, education into indoctrination… these are all blatant examples of the immorality of government as an outright violation of the Non-Aggression Principle. (The NAP declares that no one has the right to initiate force or fraud against anyone else, except in true self-defense.)

That said, we’re still living in a world where the illusion of politics has very real and dangerous consequences in most people’s lives. I haven’t voted in 20 years because the notion of endorsing slave masters is so repugnant to me that I can’t do it, and I feel that my voice is much more effective in calling for the abolition of the myth of authority than casting one rigged ballot in support of the system that is threatening to tyrannize and extinguish humanity.

However, I still talk about politics, because of the increasing threat that this fiction poses. I am writing this blog because the current danger represented by the upcoming U.S. election has such consequential implications, that I need to share certain insights to try to reveal and reject the communist takeover of America.

I’m sharing with you two clips from the Fireside Live community gathering that I hosted recently. I had just watched key parts of the Democratic National Convention, and was so horrified by the deceit, hypocrisy and outright collectivism that was being covertly promoted, that I had to speak out.

Audio Transcript

As I said, I thought Kamala gave a dynamite speech, passionate, well-delivered. And unless you know who she represents and what she has actually been doing and what she would like to do, then it can sound terrific.

So what she actually… here’s some of the things that she said:

Trump intends to set free those insurrectionists from January 6th. Yeah, they should be set free. It was an FBI-run false flag operation with Pelosi in charge, keeping the National Guard and the police at bay, opening the congressional doors at exactly the moment they were starting to deliver the election fraud evidence. And they stopped that whole thing, and that evidence was never heard. So yeah, they should be set free.

She said, “We’ll build a strong middle class.” No, that’s not what communism does. That’s not what globalism does.

And look to see what they have done. All the years of Obama and then Biden, look to see what they’ve done.

They’ve destroyed the middle class in the whole Western world. And a little bit of a respite during the Trump years, but now it’s being decimated again.

She said, “Trump denied the strongest border bill in decades.” I mean, she should get an Academy Award for being able to say anything about a strong border with a straight face. I mean, I was astounded watching her say that. As Trump said, in a live call after her talk, it was a total bullshit bill that would have enshrined keeping an open border into law.

And so she was supposedly in charge of the border for the last three and a half years. And the only thing she did was never visited it and keep it open to somewhere between 10 and 20 million illegal aliens. Most of them, I don’t know about most, but a huge percentage of whom were let out of prisons. They’re MS-13, they’re gang members, they’re child traffickers. And they’re over, last I heard, over 30,000 military age single men from China have been let in. Well, China doesn’t let those people go unless they’re on a mission.

So a lot of people have come from the Middle East, a lot from China. Basically the infiltration of the United States for an eventual takeover has been supported hugely by the Biden administration.

So what has Biden been up to?

And I’ve done shows and blogs on this, and Biden’s job was to complete Obama’s job. Obama’s job was to socialize medicine and education and get us into foreign wars. And he did both of those as best he could.

Biden’s job is to complete that. And he’s trying everything he can to not only do that, but the goal of the global domination agenda for which these people are puppets is to destroy America. That’s their number one goal.

So why would an American destroy America? Because they have a deeper allegiance. Their allegiance, the Bidens, the Pelosis, the Harrises, the Newsoms, it goes on and on. Their primary allegiance is to the Chinese Communist Party.

I don’t have the time and I haven’t prepared to lay out all the evidence of that, but I’ve got several binders on China where I lay out all of that stuff.

And if this sounds crazy to you, just hang it up as a lens to look through and see if it doesn’t make sense out of what’s going on.

Kamala Harris is denying her administration’s role in inflation, the illegal migrant invasion and increasingly dangerous wars. Her only option is to lie her way into enough distorted poll numbers to try to justify another fraudulent election outcome. Here’s another example of how the socialists are trying to manipulate language and reality to garner allegiance from the gullible:

Audio Transcript

They have realized that the two big calling kind of mottos of the conservatives, which have been successful, is faith and freedom.

So they’re now, Kamala’s initiating this whole thing and Hillary was in with it, Newsom’s in with it, they’ve all got their talking points now, and now they’re trying to reclaim the words for themselves, faith and freedom.

So what do they mean by faith?

They’re not going to tell you. It’s certainly not spiritual faith. It’s not religious faith. It’s faith in them.

It’s faith in the autocrats, in the billionaire class to become your communist leaders. We will do it for the people. Have faith in us.

What’s the freedom?

How are they justifying freedom? Well, if you look very carefully like at Hillary’s speech at the Democratic National Convention, it’s not the Bill of Rights. It’s not freedom to protect yourself. It’s not freedom to speak your mind. It’s not freedom to remain free.

It’s freedom from, not freedom to.

So what’s it freedom from? Freedom from fear and intimidation. We’re going to protect you. It’s a giant protection racket. So we as our new communist government are going to keep you safe. We’re going to take your guns. We’re not going to let you have any private security, but we’re going to keep you safe.

We’re going to give you freedom from fear and intimidation. We’re going to give you freedom from violence by taking your guns away. We’re going to give you freedom from injustice by having a one-world totalitarian government with us in charge.

We’re going to give you freedom from chaos and corruption by having one authority that happens to be us.

We’re going to give you freedom from hunger, insecurity, poverty.

We’re going to give you socialism.

In my next blog installments I will go deeper into the evidence of the election fraud in 2020 and the whistleblower revelations of the detailed communist plot to take over America without firing a shot.

Kamala’s mentors were socialists. Her primary supporters are socialists. Her policies are all socialist. Even her buzz line about “creating what can be, unburdened by what has been” was taken from Chairman Mao’s cultural revolution — a euphemism for destroying everything of value in the prior society to make way for a complete authoritarian dictatorship. How did that work out? Over 70 million Chinese starved and were slaughtered before a semblance of free market exchange rescued over a billion people.

The Right is a collectivist danger as well, just only a lot less so during this period. There is actually a real core of loyalty to justice, free speech and freedom amongst the alternative and that is why a dream team of courageous and persecuted truth tellers is gathering there now from across the political spectrum. Witness Kennedy, Gabbard, Carlson, Brand, Rogan, Rubin, Woods, Mercola, Bongino, Jones, Bigtree, Wakefield, Durov (Telegram), Malone, McCullough, Parler, Greenwald, Candace Owens, Jeffrey Sachs, Dave Smith, Mike Benz… The list goes on and grows every day.

Why have they been banned? — “The good guys are never the ones censoring.” (RFK Jr.)

What truths were they finding? See all the films, blogs and interviews at and consider becoming a paid subscriber (if you’re not already) to attend our Fireside Live sessions.

We must see the wolves in linguistic sheep’s clothing and then expose, resist and obsolete illegitimate authority.