At Last, A Beacon for Ethical Child-Raising

At Last, A Beacon for Ethical Child-Raising

With great joy and relief, I am writing to announce the launch of a milestone book and a historic website:

When I first met my favorite ethical philosopher, Stefan Molyneux, at the Libertopia conference in 2013, I asked him what he thought was the most important issue facing humanity. He said, “No question…peaceful parenting. I think most of our major threats stem from the effects of abusing children. Someday I will publish a definitive book on this critical topic.”

Well, he’s done it…and done it beyond my wildest imaginings!

This masterpiece, simply called Peaceful Parenting, will be the cornerstone manual for this field of human ethics and practical techniques. As Bucky Fuller’s Synergetics was to geometry, Arthur Young’s The Reflexive Universe and Ken Wilber’s A Brief History of Everything were to the evolution of consciousness, this new book defines the field. Thoroughly covering the history, the theory and the practice of nonviolent parenting, this book delivers clear explanations, rigorous research and riveting examples.

When I interviewed Stefan for his segments of our film THRIVE II, he summed it up this way:

When it comes to the non-aggression principle, we should apply it the most to the greatest prevalence of violence and to society’s most vulnerable members, which means that the non-aggression principle should apply first and foremost to the family. If children are raised peacefully, the odds of them becoming violent adults are virtually nil. If you want a peaceful world, treating children respectfully, peacefully, that is where the real gold of the future lies. — Stefan Molyneux, THRIVE II

I was stunned to learn that even in the United States, in current times, over 80% of parents are still hitting their children! Sometimes it’s just blatant victim abuse. More often it’s unconscious violence against minors under the guise of “discipline.” “Spare the rod and spoil the child.” “How else are they going to learn to respect me and do what’s right.” “It’s for their own good.” And a multitude of other excuses, thinly veiling ignorance, incompetent communication and violence against the vulnerable.

When does it stop?  Usually not until the child gets big enough to fight back. And by then the damage has been done. The bomb has been planted in the brain, and the effects are challenging to overcome.

When Stef emailed me to let me know it was done, I went to the website:

Peaceful Parenting – The morality, psychology and science of ethical child-raising

and I was blown away by how thoroughly accessible he had made this vital, civilization-saving information.

The book itself is available as a free PDF. But it’s also in an E-Book and an Audio Book in his own amazing voice. He has provided a condensed version and a Spanish version.

While he was finishing the book, he got inspired to create a Peaceful Parenting ChatBot, programmed with the best info and perspectives, so parents can interact with this knowledge directly in real time with their own confusion and predicaments. I tried it out with a couple of questions I remembered from my early parenting days and was moved to tears by the effectiveness, compassion and thoroughness of the guidance. Stef also makes himself available for personal consultations.

I specifically recommend that you go to the site and do two things — read the testimonials, and listen to the first chapter. I think you will see this is what we have all been waiting for.

Stef is a loving husband and father — actually a stay-at-home dad who has put into practice what he writes about. All of this while he is nearing a billion downloads on the largest philosophy conversation in history at

One of the world’s most influential “voluntaryists,” Stef was de-platformed and slandered for talking about “outrageous” concepts like freedom from the authoritarian state and not being obliged to continue to relate with abusive family members.

His bold and clear voice for freedom rings throughout the world and now its laser light of love has focused on the beings who will shape the future on Earth — the children.

This would make a great gift that keeps on giving…and it’s free!


Peaceful Parenting

The morality, psychology, and science of ethical child-raising

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