Blog Why Sports? Is there value to be gained through sporting activity that could help us rescue ourselves in the real world of outcomes that affect real lives?
Blog Become a Master of Re-Creation Re-creation renders us instantly larger than the problem we’re facing, so it gives us huge flexibility, clarity and freedom.
Blog Riding the Wave of Emotions Are emotions just a distracting pain in the neck? Why didn’t our parents, our teachers, or our coaches have much useful advice on how to relate to emotions as we were growing up?
Paid-members only Fireside Live Fireside Live with Foster Gamble on Saturday, May 18 This Fireside Live with Foster Gamble took place on Saturday, May 18 from 11am–1:30pm Pacific time.
Blog Tennessee: A Fractal Hologram of Good News Here are some recent glorious examples of individual human beings awakening to what’s really going on.
Blog The Plunder of Private Property Is the Lever for Global Tyranny Virtually all of the issues that we cover in the THRIVE films, blogs and shows come back to private property. This topic arose in my recent Fireside Live and because of its dire importance, I wanted to share some of it with a larger audience.