Freedom Portal Archive Election Fraud Evidence of election rigging has been revealed throughout the world for over a century. Recently we’ve seen an unprecedented scale of vote-rigging in the US.
Freedom Portal Archive Final on Freedom - Inside and Out The final episode in our series on Artists for Freedom will feature Rap artist and Liberty philosopher Zuby, Freedom Cartoonist Ben Garrison and world-renowned Nepalese flautist, Manose.
Freedom Portal Archive A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Freedom In our second look at Artists for Freedom, we visit with political philosopher Steve Bhaerman and his alter-ego, Swami Beyondananda.
Freedom Portal Archive How THRIVE Employs the Arts to Deepen the Impact of our Message Arts and politics have gone hand in hand for centuries. We explore the history and strategies of using the arts to promote freedom.
Freedom Portal Archive Getting Current with Currencies Foster sits down with two experts, David Morgan (metals) and Christof Melchizedek (crypto), to sort truth from rumor and explore the role of metals and blockchain in restoring honest money and creating personal wealth and freedom.
Freedom Portal Archive TAXATION: THE MOST IMPORTANT TOPIC NOBODY WANTS TO DISCUSS Foster sits down with financial expert, actor, comedian Dominic Frisby for a discussion on how the role of taxation could be handled in a future thriving world. There has never been a civilization without taxes.
Freedom Portal Archive THE ROLE OF MONEY IN TYRANNY AND FREEDOM Foster goes 7 Levels Deep and connects the dots on what we need to know about currencies, fiat, crypto, taxation, inflation, free market, metals, cashless, banking and more.
Freedom Portal Archive Seeking Truth in an Age of Deceit Foster gets real with one of the most respected American investigative journalists, Whitney Webb, who is being banned by the very forces she is exposing.
Freedom Portal Archive The Many Facets of Conspiracy This discussion with Foster Gamble, Madhava Setty and Daniel Pinchbeck presents various points of view on one of the most important issues of our time.
Freedom Portal Archive Unveiling Truth about CONSPIRACY – Before It’s Too Late. Foster Gamble has been solving the mystery of the Global Domination Agenda for over 30 years. After consuming more than 850 related books along with thousands of articles, videos and in-person conversations with the world’s leading experts, what has he found of which he is certain?
Freedom Portal Archive Health Freedom Part III: Transhumanism and the Science of Self-Empowerment Kimberly Carter Gamble and Foster Gamble with Gregg Braden to discuss the Science of Self-Empowerment. With proven facts, Gregg Braden uses scientific data to reveal a new story about who we are as humans, our innate capacity for healing, and expanding our consciousness.
Freedom Portal Archive Health Freedom Part II: Practical Solutions for Navigating a Transhumanist Agenda Kimberly Carter Gamble and Foster Gamble with Christian Pusateri and Dr. John Hunt identify the personal and social impacts of emerging health care technologies, including methods by which personal health data is acquired, bought, and sold.
Blog Beyond Left and Right: Where Do We Get Our News? | v2.0 2020 People are often asking us at Thrive, “Where do you get your news? And how do you sort out what’s true?”
Freedom Portal Archive Health Freedom Part I: Where Artificial Intelligence, Bio-Data, and the 4th Industrial Revolution Collide Healthcare innovation is growing exponentially, bringing unprecedented levels of customized care along with the enhanced capacity for surveillance and control. What’s possible? And what’s at stake?
Freedom Portal Archive A Truly Free and Stateless Society: How can we get there? Special Guests: Derrick Broze, Michael Huemer, Mary Ruwart A stateless society? If indications from the past show that it has worked and it makes sense how it could work, then the toughest challenge seems to be, “How do we get there from here?”
Freedom Portal Archive A Truly Free and Stateless Society: How could it work? Special Guest: Stephen Molyneux Many people think a “stateless” society could never exist. Stefan Molyneux, host of the largest on-line philosophy conversation in history, has written two books that explain in detail the philosophy and strategies associated with effective self-governance using the non-aggression principle.
Freedom Portal Archive A Truly Free and Stateless Society: Has it Ever Worked? How Could it Work? How Do We Get from Here to There? Part 1 Is there any evidence we can point to our ability to abide by rules, without rulers? We recount key examples that consistently show the benefits of political and economic freedom, and discuss how we could transition from where we are to a stateless society.
Blog Agenda 21 | Think Globally, Enslave Locally, Q&A with Thrive Hey, Foster, I heard about a program called Agenda 21 that seems focused on Sustainable Development and preserving nature. What do you think of it?
Freedom Portal Archive Unified Field Trip Foster’s expert guest for this month of Unified Science is a leading pioneer in United Field Theory. Cosmologist, Physicist, Inventor Nassim Haramein was featured in both Thrive I and Thrive II.
Freedom Portal Archive Respectful Breakthrough Conversations Larken Rose, featured in Thrive II, and his wife Amanda are skilled and effective communicators, especially on the subjects of freedom and the authoritarian agenda that is in its way.
Freedom Portal Archive Keys for Having Successful Conversations Over the Holidays - and Beyond. Kimberly and Foster break down their communication strategies to help us all optimize our ability to maintain relations across divergent worldviews.
Freedom Portal Archive ThriveOn WORLDVIEW PIONEER SERIES - Del Bigtree, David Martin, Dr. Robert Young Our Worldview Pioneer Series kicked off on Saturday, November 28 with a highly-intentioned roundtable discussion including cutting-edge healers, investigators, and activists who are pulling back the veils of deception around the Covid 19 Pandemic.
Freedom Portal Archive COVID Confusion Prepare to dive 7 Levels Deep as we cover everything from real dangers to fraudulent agendas. We unpack the truth behind masks, lockdowns, economic collapse, and mandatory vaccination and explore ways we can reclaim our health, freedom and prosperity.
Freedom Portal Archive U.S. Elections Through the THRIVE Lens In this inaugural episode, Foster dives deep into the divisive U.S. Election chaos, dismantling the disinformation, and sharing perspectives you won't hear anywhere else.