Blog The Rise of the Predator Class Check out this subscriber-exclusive article composed by Foster, as he discusses the Predator class.
Freedom Portal Archive BE PREPARED – For the Long Haul How do we make sure we’re as ready as we can be for what’s coming our way – both physically and digitally?
Freedom Portal Archive BE WELL — We’re In This for the Long Haul Let’s cover the bases and dive deep into what it takes to truly thrive in these challenging times — physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Freedom Portal Archive Deep Dive into the Unified Field Theory and Its Applications Foster goes “7 Levels Deep” into an illustrated layperson’s version of the key insights that are completing Einstein’s quest and fulfilling on game-changing breakthroughs in Energy, Health, Consciousness, and Ethics.
Freedom Portal Archive EXPLORE THE THRIVE SOLUTIONS HUB The Thrive Solutions Hub is in beta mode, already engaging groups and individuals to share resources and collaborate more effectively.
Freedom Portal Archive Healing from Satanic Ritual Abuse Like Cathy O’Brien, Serena’s story shows, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that we all have within us the courage and capability to restore our soul connection and become a beacon of love in the world.
Freedom Portal Archive DYSTOPIA DOWN UNDER: UP-TO-DATE REPORTS FROM THE FRONT LINE RESPONSE IN AUSTRALIA The State of Victoria, and especially Melbourne, is the leading edge of New World Order martial law and front line freedom fighters.
Freedom Portal Archive Cathy O’Brien with Foster Gamble Surviving and Thriving beyond MK Ultra Child Abuse Cathy O’Brien, author of TRANCE FORMATION OF AMERICA, visits the Freedom Portal to share her inspiring story of being rescued and healing from the most horrific MK Ultra Mind Control and White House level Satanic Ritual Abuse.
Freedom Portal Archive Foster Goes 7 Levels Deep on the Horrific Truth of Child Trafficking It is a painful subject, but it is important to understand the scale at which it’s happening, how it relates to the global domination agenda and most importantly how we can end it and bring healing.
Freedom Portal Archive THRIVORS South Africa enter the Freedom Portal with Foster Three committed visionaries are about to launch a reality TV series on what it takes to truly flourish.
Freedom Portal Archive The Role of False Flags in the Agenda for Global Domination If you still think you are living in a world with no nefarious intent and no conspiracy… where governments, banks and mega corporations are making things better, then you will listen to this at great peril to your worldview.
Freedom Portal Archive DEEP TRUTH ON 9/11: The Real Scheme and Science with Special Guest David Icke Foster wanted to blow the lid off this most notorious of false flag events once and for all, so he reached out to the researcher he considers most deeply informed about the scheme and the science for this 20th anniversary expose.
Freedom Portal Archive COLLECTIVE EVOLUTION MEETS THRIVE Joe Martino and Foster dive deep on Consciousness, Conspiracy, Censorship, Solutions and more…
Freedom Portal Archive What’s the Ultimate Solution to so-called “Illegal Migration?” With millions pouring across the US/Mexico border - expecting housing, food, education and healthcare from already broke local governments - Foster goes 7 Levels Deep on this supposedly intractable problem.