Agenda 21/30: Shining Light on the Monster in the Closet

Agenda 21/30: Shining Light on the Monster in the Closet

Agenda 21/30 is one of the lynchpins of the Great Reset, the U.N. One World Government, the New World Order and the Global Domination Agenda (but I repeat myself.) I have been looking into this scam for over three decades, and I can’t overstate its importance. However, I find most people either have no clue what it is or they have been duped into thinking that it’s a healthy plan for a truly sustainable humanity.

I am rebroadcasting here a blog that I did a few years ago describing where Agenda 21/30 came from and what it truly is. I am attaching as well, some video perspectives on this agenda from other well-versed researchers.

Please immerse yourself in this and empower further your capacity as a peaceful warrior for true freedom and a healthy planet. Be “unhoodwinkable!”

Agenda 21 | Think Globally, Enslave Locally, Q&A with Thrive
Hey, Foster, I heard about a program called Agenda 21 that seems focused on Sustainable Development and preserving nature. What do you think of it?